key points passmedicine (part-f)

CLL - treatment: Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide and Rituximab (FCR)
CLL is caused by a monoclonal proliferation of B-cell lymphocytes
CML - Philadelphia chromosome - t(9:22)
COPD - LTOT if 2 measurements of pO2 < 7.3 kPa
COPD - reason for using inhaled corticosteroids - reduced exacerbations
COPD - still breathless despite using inhalers as required?
FEV1 > 50%: LABA or LAMA
FEV1 < 50%: LABA + ICS or LAMA
CT head showing temporal lobe changes - think herpes simplex encephalitis
CTPA is the first line investigation for PE according to current BTS guidelines
CYP3A4 is the most common and important cause of P450 drug interactions
Calcium channel blockers - side-effects: headache, flushing, ankle oedema
Calcium channel blockers are now preferred to thiazides in the treatment of hypertension
Cancer patients with VTE - 6 months of LMWH
Carbon monoxide poisoning - most common feature = headache
Case-control studies - odds ratio
Cat scratch disease - caused by
Bartonella henselaeCauses of raised prolactin - the p'spregnancyprolactinomaphysiological

polycystic ovarian syndromeprimary hypothyroidismphenothiazines, metoclopramide, domperidone


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